This website, SIGN2DA pronunced "SIGN TODAY", is about knowing when to execute with urgency, being in a state of emergency on some topics rather than drifting as if there's lots of time.

Editor, Byron Kelly, is a Veteran and locally retired  U.S. Navy Chief in San Miguel Ranch area of Chula Vista, California.

When you meet him, he'll likely buy you a cup of coffee somewhere in the city limits.

When he's not helping protect families and businesses financially, he's usually in the community helping startup businesses or with his family. 

Byron shares best photos from around San Miguel Ranch, Rolling Hills Ranch, Eastlake and Otay Ranch and 50 square miles of the city of Chula Vista.

"You don't buy a home you buy the whole entire neighborhood".

"You can remodel your home, you can't remodel your view" M.M. Realtor

City of Chula Vista home page:

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Byron's a local Businessman with a national reach in Financial Services. This site is not used for business purposes, this is a fun site.

To find Byron Kelly's actual business site go to